
Category Price Select Quantity Subtotal
Speaker (Virtual) $59.00
Speaker (Physical) $399.00
Delegate (Virtual) $49.00
Delegate (physical) $319.00
Poster Presentation $349.00
Video Presentation $55.00
ePoster $45.00
Exhibitor $799.00
Sponsor $999.00
Accompanying Person $199.00
Advertisement (Type 1) $249.00
Advertisement (Type 2) $299.00
Advertisement (Type 3) $699.00
Accommodation Single (Per Night) $120.00
Accommodation Double (Per Night) $160.00

Information of the Client

For any registration queries and to know more about all payment methods feel free to reach us at [email protected]


Directly send us your queries through the finance inquiry form. Click Here...

Please follow the steps outlined below to complete the registration process:
Step - 1> Currency Selection: Choose the currency of your preference.
Step - 2> Category Selection: Select the category in which you would like to participate.
Step - 3> Quantity Selection: Enter the quantity (For single registration enter quantity as 1 and for group registration enter the number of participants in the quantity box)
Step - 4> Form Completion: Check the total registration amount and fill out the necessary information on the registration form
Step - 5> Conference Selection: Choose the conference name from the dropdown menu.
Step - 6> Payment Process: After form submission, proceed to the payment process.

Upon successful payment, you will receive an official invitation letter along with a payment receipt within 2 business days.

If you encounter any issues or require assistance during the registration process, kindly reach out to us at [email protected]

Know more about registration products

Speaker Registration:
Speaker registration for both physical and virtual is a minimal charge to join our events as a speaker. To choose and confirm a presentation slot, all speakers need to complete their registration process before the deadline as soon as they can. This fee is included with lunch, snacks, tea, coffee, and other beverages. But this fee is not included with any type of travel and accommodation fee. The speaker registration fee is the same for all academic professionals, business professionals, students, or other professionals and the price can vary based on the conference date. For speakers' group registration, we provide up to a 15% discount on the registration price (depending on the number of speakers in that group).

Delegate Registration:
This is a charge for the audience who want to join our event as a listener. Delegates should be anyone of age above 15 years and for delegate registration no need to present any presentation. All delegates either physical or virtual need to complete their registration process to confirm their participation before the event deadline. This delegate registration price also includes lunch, snacks, tea, coffee, and other beverages. And for delegate group registration also we provide up to 15% discount on the registration price (depending on the number of delegates in that group).

Poster Presentation Registration:
In this category, interested poster presenters need to complete their registration for participation confirmation of the events. In this charge we will provide the presentation space and other necessary items for poster presentation at the conference venue, presenters need to bring only a poster with them on the conference day. This fee also includes lunch, snacks, tea, coffee, and other beverages. Poster presenters have access to all sessions with the Q&A sessions.

Video Presentation Registration:
This charge is only for an online video presentation at our physical event, for those presenters who are unable to join our event physically or virtually for presentation due to schedule conflicts, or any other personal reason. All interested persons for the video presentation must complete their registration process 30 days before the event for technical and other necessary arrangements at our event venue.

E-Poster Presentation Registration:
For the e-Poster presentation at our events, all interested presenters need to complete their registration process in this category. Without registration, e-Poster presentation is not being considered at our events. For e-Poster presentations no need for the physical presence of presenters at our conference venue.

Exhibitor Registration:
This charge is for exhibiting any product or service at our events. All exhibitors need to complete their registration process in this category to participate in our events for exhibiting their products or services. This exhibitor charge includes an exhibit booth at our conference venue and two complimentary registration passes. These two complimentary registration passes include lunch, snacks, tea, coffee, and other beverages. In this exhibitor charge, we provide one poster presentation opportunity during the poster session for exhibitions of products in a better way.

Sponsor Registration:
We provide this sponsorship opportunity only on an event basis not a yearly or half-yearly basis. To be a sponsor at any of our events, organizations need to register in this category. This sponsorship charge includes a sponsor booth in our conference venue and two complimentary registration passes with lunch, snacks, tea, coffee, and other beverages for both days of the conference. In this charge, we also provide one poster presentation opportunity for sponsors for brand promotion in a better way.

Accompanying Person Registration:
If any of our attendees want to join our event with their family members or friends, then they have to register in this category. This charge includes food service for accompanying persons during the events. In our events there is no limit of accompanying persons, any number of accompanying persons with the age of above 15 can join our events. Accompanying person registration must be completed before the deadline.

Advertisement (Type -1) Registration:
In this advertisement (type -1) registration only for advertisement on our event websites. In this type, we will display a banner with the name, small descriptions, and a website link about your product or service on the home pages of our all events for six months. For this type of advertisement registration select any one event from the event list. Advertisement registration is not related to any specific event type or name, event name is not a subject of matter for advertisement registration. By registering under any of our events advertisers will get the same benefits.

Advertisement (Type -2) Registration:
This Type -2 advertisement registration is for an advertisement opportunity on our website only. In this type, advertisement in an event's venue opportunity is not available. In this second type, we will provide you with a special single page on our website with long descriptions about your company's product or service along with a short video for six months. This individual page will be visible on every event website as well as on our brand (Displaycia) website also. This particular page about only your product/service is very much helpful for reaching more people easily for promotion and also people will know about your products very well through this advertisement page. For this type of advertisement registration select any one event from the event list. Advertisement registration is not related to any specific event type or name, event name is not a subject of matter for advertisement registration. By registering under any of our events advertisers will get the same benefits.

Advertisement (Type -3) Registration:
In the third type, we will provide you the opportunity to promote your brand or product virtually through online presentations in the event venue along with the facilities of the first type of advertisement i.e. display banner with the name, small description, and website link. For the third type of advertisement, we will provide two free registration tickets to every advertiser to join us virtually and promote their products or services through online presentations.

Accommodation Registration:
Our registration products do not include accommodation; if any of our attendees want accommodation from our side then they have to register in this category according to their choice. We will provide accommodation for our event attendees to the nearest hotel from our event venue or in the event hotel. To avail accommodation from us, attendees need to register along with other products. Meals are not included in this accommodation package.